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Current & Previous Agendas


December 17, 2020

  1. Updates from committees present

  2. Advocacy for diversity initiatives, request for proposals are open for Columbia's Graduate Equity Initiative Grants. Get in touch with Clara with ideas for how DEES should spend its funding.

  3. Surveys to be sent out to students (diversity committee survey, TA survey, alumni committee survey)

  4. Ideas for socials: ice skating, gather town virtual meetups


November 11, 2020

  1. Updates from everyone​​

    1. First year committee​​​

    2. Funding for virtual gatherings

    3. New website link - add new pages

    4. Community survey

    5. Teaching workshop

    6. Lounge improvements

  2. GSC co-chairs met with DEES admin on 10/28 (see notes) & discussed...​​

  3. ExCom​ Meeting updates

  4. Climate School Update


September 8, 2020

  1. Intros

  2. Roles & duties of each position​

  3. ​Expanding past the GSC -- the Collective

  4. Upcoming events​

  5. Budget​

  6. We have a website now!​

  7. Exams​

  8. Other GSC business

    1. Meeting protocol moving forward

    2. Exit interviews for recent graduates

    3. Issues with exam scheduling -- reaching out to DEES?

  9. Open forum: any updates?

 © 2021 by the Graduate Student Committee at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

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