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Calendar & Events

Hi students, here are some things to look out for!

  • Our GSC meetings listed on our calendar here are open to all of you to give us your input.

  • Gather.Town "Schermerhorn lounge" for all DEES grad students (thank you Caroline Juang and Kevin Schwarzwald), password is dees

  • Have an event? Add it to the calendar following the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Add your event to the calendar

When you make an event in your own Google calendar, invite this calendar address to your event, under "Guests":

When you add this email address, the calendar automatically accepts and your event will magically appear!!!

This calendar is hosted on its own email account separate from any GSC members' accounts.

For more information on how to invite guests to Google Calendar events, see this Google resource.

Columbia Events

 © 2021 by the Graduate Student Committee at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

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